Mia* had always had a difficult relationship with her mum. From the age of 13, she was regularly being kicked out of home and finding herself sofa surfing, moving from one friend to another. This put stress on her relationship with her friends, as well as causing a great deal of instability in her life.
When Mia turned 16, she was forced out for the final time and became homeless. She ended up living at a friend’s house. She wanted to return home but knew that she couldn’t. Mia’s social worker told her about Step by Step and made a referral.
“When I first moved in, I was nervous,” Mia recalls. “I don’t like change and this was a really big change for me.” However, Mia soon settled in to the Foyer accommodation and started to make friends.
As well as a safe place to live, Mia was able to access our other services. Her Step Worker helped to boost Mia’s self-esteem and taught her how to be independent. Mia had always wanted to go to college and then university, her ambition to become a counsellor for children who had suffered domestic violence. For the first time, Mia’s dreams seemed achievable.
“Step by Step has taught me that my past doesn't have to affect my future and anything I put my mind to I can achieve.”
With a brighter future ahead of her, Mia has a message for our supporters. “Thank you to the people that support Step by Step in helping me reach my goals in life.”
*Name changed to respect privacy.
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