Nick* came to Step by Step after his relationship with his dad broke down and he became homeless. Until then, Nick had been the main carer for his non-verbal, autistic older brother. Sadly, Nick was experiencing significant neglect which only worsened after his stepmother left the family home.

Once homeless, Nick began sleeping rough in carparks, and sofa surfing at his girlfriend’s family home whenever possible.

Eventually Nick contacted Step by Step and we were able to find him a Supported Lodgings placement which provided him with a stable and supportive place to live.

After just a few short weeks Nick has now built a wonderful relationship with his Step by Step supported lodgings host. He’s also been able to attend college again thanks to a 3-month bus pass he’s been awarded from our Opportunities fund.

Nick’s host says “Nick is engaging well and is very appreciative of the support. He often helps with the dogs, and he is a very kind, thoughtful young man.”

Nick is now learning independent living skills including maintaining his personal care and eating healthy meals. He has also been able to receive benefits, has his own bank account, and is budgeting successful.

An excellent gamer, Nick aspires to become a game developer one day. Previously he was invited to a gaming tournament in the US to play as part of a team, and he believes they could have been in with a chance of winning. Unfortunately his parents were not supportive of his passion.

Nick has been getting on well with the other young people at his supported lodgings and has become great friends with a fellow gamer.

Nick says “I feel safe and settled here. I am happy and pleased to be furthering my education.”

*Name changed to respect privacy

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