Step by Step Fostering

We are looking for new foster carers and families to support children and young people, typically aged 11-18, in the South of England. Could you provide a caring and supportive home?

Step by Step Fostering Ltd is an independent fostering agency, building upon a legacy of over 30 years supporting children and young people. It is unique among fostering agencies in that any excess funds it generates go to support parent charity Step by Step.

Therefore, by choosing to foster with Step by Step Fostering, you are helping even more young people.

Visit the Step by Step Fostering website to find out more.

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Fostering offers children and young people a caring and supportive home when they do not have biological families able to look after them. Foster placements might be on a temporary or permanent basis.

Being a foster carer is so much more than providing a bed and putting a roof over someone’s head – it is helping each child and young person to build a better life.

  • In the UK today, 70,000 children live with almost 55,000 foster families
  • An extra 7,200 foster families are needed in the next 12 months alone
  • Within the South-Central area, these is a need for 1,500 more foster carers

Our foster carers come from all kinds of backgrounds, cultures and ethnic groups. We believe that your sexuality, ethnicity, martial status, age or whether you own a home do not determine your suitability as a foster carer, and will therefore not impact your fostering application.

When it comes to fostering there is no set fee. The amount of money you will receive depends on a range of factors, including the agency you choose, how many children you foster, the child or young person’s individual needs and requirement, the type of fostering you can provide and your own unique skill set.

At Step by Step Fostering, we pay anywhere between £380 to £585 per week depending on the placement type.

Contact our Fostering Team to find out more

01252 411107

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