Step by Step Fighting the Injustice of Universal Credit

  • 4 April 2019

We recently visited the Houses of Parliament to meet MPs and discuss the impact Universal Credit is having on young people living in supported lodgings accommodation.

Step by Step is wielding its expertise and leadership in this field to campaign for a change in the law.

CEO, Ben Harman, and Head of Young People's Services, Debbie Moreton, presented research and expert testimony to Justin Tomlinson, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, and Leo Doherty, MP for Aldershot. Step by Step believes that the current implementation of Universal Credit could lead to greater numbers of young people experiencing homelessness.

The issue arises with the long wait time that supported lodgings hosts have to endure to receive benefits payments. This can mean it is not financially viable for hosts to offer accommodation to young people who might otherwise be homeless. Step by Step believes that supported lodgings should be exempt from Universal Credit so hosts receive timely payment for the incredibly valuable work they do.

Debbie Moreton from Step by Step said: “It was a fantastic opportunity to be able to go direct to Parliament and speak for young people about an issue that is effecting not only them but also many people and families across the UK.”

We are hopeful that Members of Parliament will act on our recommendations. Look out for future developments on this story.

Step by Step Meet MPs to campaign for change to Universal Credit